Keyboarding skills are important. Not only will it save you time, but it looks pretty cool to see someone whip away at all those keys with precision. The better you are at the keyboard, the better you are able to use it as a tool. Tha is, until someone invents a computer that will automatically read your thoughts. (Mr. Grafton mental note: invent a computer that will automatically read peoples' thoughts... sell it for a bunch of money.)
Login and choose a lesson for practice.
We will be using this program when I need to test your skills. Feel free to practice at home.
Check out these great games!
Like Pac-Man, but with keyboards!
Type as the music plays! How high is your score?
Just type the letters to get the cups stacked up! Don't knock the stack over.
How fast can you type the entire alphabet? This site will check your time. Race against yourself.
Just when you thought it was safe to take your keyboard in the water.... Type the words before the sharks get you
Catch the Blue spheres alone! But look out! If you hit a key that has green or red balls, you won't get the points.